Facepad - facial paralysis rehabilitation device

Facepad is a device, consisting of headphones and console, for home rehabilitation of people with facial paralysis that combines electrostimulation and electromyography to video games. The user will be able to play the video game he prefers replacing the keyboard commands with the facial movements to be rehabilitated. Based on 'Bio-expression'.

 Conoscenze e abilità necessarie per farlo

- Knowledge of Arduino programming
- Knowledge of Python language programming
- Basic knowledge of 3D printing
- Knowledge of assembling and reading electrical circuits
- Basic knowledge of facial paralysis
- Basic knowledge of electrostimulation and electromyography technology

 Tecnologia e strumenti necessari coinvolti

- Computer and internet connection
- 3D modeling program
- 3D Printer
- Arduino IDE software
- Arduino UNO
- Source code editor
- Filter creation program (Spark AR Studio for example)

 Materiali necessari

1 KΩ Resistor - brown black red x2
1 KΩ Resistor - brown red black orange x3
1,3 GΩ Resistor - brown orange black x3
10 KΩ Resistor - brown black orange x4
10 KΩ Resistor - brown black orange x2
100 KΩ Resistor - brown black black x3
106 Capacitor 10 uF x1
110 KΩ Resistor - brown brown black x3
120 KΩ Resistor - brown red black x3
120 Ω Resistor - brown red black black x3
1J63 Capacitor x2
220 KΩ Resistor - red red yellow x1
33 KΩ Resistor - orange orange orange x1
390 KΩ Resistor - orange white brown x1
4 pin Rainbow Cable x1
47 KΩ Resistor - yellow purple black red x6
47 KΩ Resistor - yellow purple orange x4
471 Capacitor 470 uF x3
474 Capacitor 0,47 uF x4
561 Capacitor 560 pF x1
Arduino cable x1
Arduino Uno x2
Audio output connector x4
Battery 9V x1
Battery Connector x1
Capacitor 25V x2
Capacitor 50V x3
Chip Holder AD623 x4
Chip Holder TLC2272 x4
Diode x1
Double male headers 5 pin x1
Electrical wires
Electrode Pads
EMG Cable (2 exits) x2
EMG Cable (3 exits) x1
Female Headers 2 pin x1
Female Headers 6 pin x2
Female Headers 8 pin x2
Jumper x1
Led x7
Matrix Board x1
PCB x1
Potentiometer x4
Programmable buttons x2
RCA Connector x1
Relay Omon G5V-1 x1
Switch 3 positions x2
Tens x1
Tens Cable x1
Voltage Regulator L7805CV x1

 Necessaria l'organizzazione iniziale

Before starting the project, it is recommended to have the instructions, the software to be used installed and the materials available.

 Sviluppo del progetto - Stage 1 o solo

Follow the instructions in the manual contained in the drive.

The installation of the Arduino IDE and the necessary software to be used is required, as well as the purchase of the necessary materials.

 Video del progetto

 File necessari per portare a termine il progetto

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 Clicca qui per scaricare i file

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